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Counsellors Network


Counsellors Network Surrey was established in order to bring local counsellors together.  Our events are open to qualified counsellors and psychotherapists and students studying counselling and psychotherapy at Level 4 and above.

The network is run by counsellors for counsellors, creating a supportive, helpful space and we feel that together we are stronger.   

Our profession can be isolating and sometimes covertly competitive. We want to change this in our area and make it supportive and rewarding.

We meet on the last Wednesday of the month from 8pm to 9.30pm at The Maybury Centre, Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HD

Our aim is to support other counsellors to realise potential for new business opportunities, develop a peer support network, to explore sharing of facilities and resources and to access a diverse range of knowledge and skills 

There is plenty of parking. The cost is £5 per person to cover room hire and refreshments.

Connect to us on Linkedin or Facebook for updates and meeting details.

To book a place or to find out more, contact Teresa by email at or Call/Text on 07487681771 

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